Real-Time Transcription:
Achieve 98% transcription accuracy with support for phone calls, voice or video meetings, and major conference apps. The system automatically differentiates speakers, ensuring clear and organized transcripts without the need for manual corrections.
Instant Recording Anytime, Anywhere:
Start recording instantly with a single switch. The device operates offline, supports secure encryption protocols, and captures precise audio even in small meetings or media interviews. No headphones are required—just connect to the accompanying app to start recording.
Seamless Multilingual Communication:
Acting as your personal translation assistant, these glasses offer real-time interpretation across multiple languages. Perfect for boosting efficiency in business meetings, the device provides live subtitles, transforming "raw" conversations into polished exchanges effortlessly.
AI Chat Capabilities:
Engage in intelligent AI conversations via a simple and user-friendly interface. Easily switch languages, input text or voice, and access dynamic interaction with a system designed for intuitive use.
AI Music Creation:
Leverage advanced AI technology to generate original music in genres like pop, rock, classical, or folk. Enjoy personalized compositions that are creative, rhythmic, and expressive, bringing versatility to your musical experiences.
AI Voice Dialogue:
Interact with the system through real-time voice input. With cutting-edge speech recognition and semantic understanding, the AI responds naturally and accurately, ensuring smooth and meaningful conversations.